The trend team at pej gruppen highlights four important key trends for the SS 23 season in colours, textures, materials and shapes for the design and lifestyle industry.
A calm design atmosphere is created by choosing light monochrome colours meeting the need for anonymity and ease. The colour universe is toned down and harmonised without loud-mouthed contrasts with the aim not to attract too much attention. Inspiration for beautiful and natural fused colour combinations is found in barren natural areas with stones and sand. Here also lies the opportunity to find unique shapes and surfaces for materials, textures and prints.
Colours are an expression of freshness and drive to follow one’s own intuition. The blue colours have a cleansing and activating feel. Nature is brought into play using the brown and warmer tones in colour combinations. The cleansing blues permeates an active lifestyle in everything from product selection to lifestyle choices. A light and comfortable atmosphere that feels fresh and cleansing is key when staying active and healthy.
Colours are artistically and boldly composed. Design and fashion have a multicolour expression using classic primary colours. The colours are often presented in prints incorporated with art and narratives. Prints vary in expression from referencing abstract painting to systematised, expressionistic patterns, but contrasting colour combinations remains key.
A warm and fiery colour palette testifies to a fascination of a raw expression and burnt details. The overall setting is burnt and dark with room for a contrasting white, grey and light brown colour spectrum, which invites for calmness, wellness and balance. In fashion, the bright orange is allowed to be dominant on large surfaces whereas the orange is used as a popping detail colour in interior design.
Visuelt materiale i denne artikel er udelukkende beregnet til personlig og privat brug. Alle billeder er kun til inspiration og skal ikke anvendes kommercielt uden eget ansvar. Materialet må ikke offentliggøres eller vises offentligt uden tilladelse. Enhver form for uautoriseret kopiering, udlån, udlejning eller offentlig præsentation af materialet er forbudt og på egen risiko.
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Louise Byg Kongsholm, ansvarshavende chefredaktør
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